Learning Disability
What is a learning disability (LD)?
A learning disability is a neurological condition which impacts the brain’s ability to send, receive, and process information. A child with a learning disability may have difficulties in areas of reading, writing, speaking, listening, understanding mathematical concepts, and overall general comprehension. Learning disabilities include a group of conditions such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia.
- Dyslexia is a specific learning disability in reading.
- Children affected with dyslexia find it very difficult to read.
- It occurs in children with normal vision and intelligence.
- It is a developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD), is a common disorder that affects movement and co-ordination.
- It does not affect your intelligence it can affect your co-ordination skills, compromising tasks requiring balance, playing sports or learning to drive a car.
- Simply put Dyscalculia is a learning disability in math.
- People with dyscalculia have trouble with math at many levels and with key concepts like bigger vs. smaller-Challenges with memorizing and organising numbers, difficulty telling time or even trouble with basic counting.
- This is a neurological disorder characterized by writing disabilities.
- It is considered a learning difference and challenged can range from the physical writing of words to expressing ideas and thoughts in written form.
- The on set generally appears when children are first learning to write. This is then called Developmental dysgraphia.
- It can also suddenly after some types of head or brain traumas. This is known as Acquired dysgraphia.
What is not a learning disability?
Some children start as slow learner but are then eventually able to learn and cope with their academics and other activities.
Some children are seen not to be interested in specific types of learning such as a new language, a specific activity or skill, or academic subject, or may simply may not be interested in sports or other outdoor activities.

KT Note >
It may also be possible for these conditions to coexist with another but learning difficulties are not due to mental or physical illness, economic conditions or cultural backgrounds.
Most importantly they do not indicate that child is weak or lazy.
What causes learning disabilities?
The experts opinion is say that there is no single, specific cause for a learning disability. However, some of the below factors could cause a learning disability:
It is observed that when a child has parents who had a learning disability, is also likely to develop the same condition. -
Illness during and after birth:
An injury or illness or injury during or post-birth may cause learning disabilities. Other factors could be drug or alcohol consumption during pregnancy, physical trauma, inadequate growth in the uterus, sub optimal birth weight and premature or extended labor. -
Stress during infancy:
A stressful incident post-birth such as a high fever, head injury, or poor nutrition can also be contributing factors. -
Increased exposure to toxins such as lead frequently seen in paint, ceramics and certain children’s toys.

KT Note >
It may also be possible for these conditions to coexist with another but learning difficulties are not due to mental or physical illness, economic conditions or cultural backgrounds.
Most importantly they do not indicate that child is weak or lazy.
What are the treatment and support options for learning disabilities?
Learning disabilities have no cure, but early intervention can significantly reduce their effects.
Children and adults with learning disabilities can develop coping mechanisms with their disabilities. Getting professional help earlier increases the probability of success in school and later in life.
If learning disabilities remain unaddressed or untreated, a child may begin to feel frustrated, which can lead to a negative spiral of low self-esteem and other problems.

While children with learning disabilities may have difficulties in some areas of learning, they display great aptitude, skill and talent in many other areas of their interests. Most often, we focus on the condition and neglect the child’s innate talents or skills. It is extremely important that parents and teachers recognize this hidden potential. We at Kazim Trust encourage both children and adults to follow their ‘hearts as well as their minds’ to realize their full potential.
KT Note >
It may also be possible for these conditions to coexist with another but learning difficulties are not due to mental or physical illness, economic conditions or cultural backgrounds.
Most importantly they do not indicate that child is weak or lazy.